Long-time literary agent and author of no less than 28 editions (!) of his book, Jeff Herman’s Guide to Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, with more than 500,000 copies sold, Jeff Herman has made over 1000 book deals, including many bestsellers.
Shortly after graduating from Syracuse University, Herman was riding the subway on a hot summer day when he spotted an ad stating: “I found my job in The New York Times.” He promptly bought a copy and answered some Help Wanted ads. A few days later, he was summoned for an interview with the Publicity Director at an independent publishing house, and was hired on the spot as her assistant for $200 a week (1981). Showering, shaving, wearing a suit, saying little and promising to show up were the clinchers.
The publicity department comprised Herman and his boss, who took her summer vacation his first week on the job. He was left “in charge” though he knew nothing about publicity, publishing, or how an office functioned. But he was a quick study and soon helped make When Bad Things Happen to Good People a massive bestseller.
In time, Herman followed the money into corporate marketing, where he worked on various product promotion campaigns for Nabisco, AT&T, and many other large and small brands. But books were his passion and calling.
Today, Jeff Herman is an exceptionally successful veteran literary agent, entrepreneur, and author. His areas of editorial expertise include popular business, spirituality, self-help, and much more. “If I feel I can sell it, I’ll represent it”, says Herman.
3 Key Points
- More than 99% of opportunities that cross a publisher’s desk are rejected.
- Publishers rely on agents to do the initial screening of a book.
- As a writer, you are needed by both agents and publishers.
The best value is to create value for others.
What We Talked About
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- 01:23 – is it still worthwhile to publish a book to build your credibility?
- 04:01 – what are the big myths about publishing?
- 05:25 – what path do you recommend to get published?
- 10:30 – what makes a great agent?
- 11:08 – how to choose a literary agent
- 14:50 – the importance of a platform as an author
- 20:48 – the book marketplace: bookstores vs. online
- 23:10 – how do you know whether to persist or change your book/proposal/approach?
- 29:21 – did your (Jeff’s) early success mean you have had more impact?
- 33:25 – how do you see the impact that you (Jeff) have?
- 37:47 – traditional publishing vs. self-publishing
Actionable Tips
- Be tenacious, but not stubborn.
- Start with knowing yourself, and by asking, ‘how can I create value?’.
Resources Mentioned
- The Jeff Herman Agency
- You can reach Jeff at: jeff@jeffherman.com
- Buy Jeff’s book: Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publisher’s, Editors & Literary Agents: Who They Are, What They Want, How to Win Them Over
- Publisher of Jeff’s book: New World Library
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Ursula Jorch, Host of The Impact Interviews
Ursula Jorch is a business coach, speaker, and podcaster who shows women leaders how to turn their businesses into profitable agents for lasting change, global impact, and a force for good in the world.