best sales months ever
We just experienced our three best sales months to date!
clarity & perspective
Working with Ursula on new directions for my business gave me both a broader sense of perspective and a tighter, more realistic grasp of next steps.

business acumen & a huge heart
Ursula is an AMAZING business mentor.

You are one of my favorite thought leaders!
It’s making all the difference in the world to have her support, expertise and wisdom to help me with marketing and building a business I love.
Ursula’s brilliant guidance helped me open doors that I never would have found otherwise.
If anyone has done any sort of “visioning” work and it hasn’t been effective, worked, stuck, been helpful, then they need to do this process with Ursula. It’s what gets people to open up to that next level of transformation.

Defining my Impact Purpose allows me to stand in the power of who I am.
Insight, Honesty, Experience
You've given me perspective and helped me find the next step forward so many times.

Ursula gave us such sound advice and a safe space for us to brainstorm our future growth.
New Strong Direction
Ursula works with me on both the big picture and the day to day challenges.
New Perspectives
Ursula gets me out of my head and viewing things in a way I might not have considered.
Clear Plan
Having Ursula as my business coach is worth every penny and every minute of my time.

Her coaching gave me new clarity and insight when I was unsure of my next business steps.

creative solutions
Ursula's passionate about her clients and really cares about their results.
actionable, impact-driven plan
I love watching Ursula coach. She brings deep skills, big curiosity and a massive heart.
She's not afraid of what's under the words, and weaves what shows up with great care into an actionable, impact-driven plan.
Tanya Geisler,
sarah seidelmann, follow your feelgood
Ursula – thank you for all you do to lift the leaders! Grateful!
heath armstrong, rage create
You have such a vibrant light, so I’ve been excited for this for a long time!
zelle nelson, center for collaborative awareness
Ursula has a keen strategic mind and is a lover of words and effective communication.
susan regan, solutions therapy and mediation
You've been a big influence in such a short period of time.
Thank you Ursula for your sincere authenticity, empathy, & compassion. I appreciate you!
Ursula, thank you for inspiring and helping me with your calm, engaged, attentive, thoughtful, engaged, and hugely insightful responses, for remembering the details, for reflecting back so beautifully, for your podcast, for your blog posts and your YouTube videos, all of which I found very inspiring. You’ve given me some beautiful advice.
Angel Mawlabaux
Musical Artist

The most profound impact is Ursula’s willingness to lean into vulnerability and discomfort in a way that reminds me that it’s ok to be frustrated and lean in anyway.
Sara blackthorne
Writer, Editor, Road Woman
Ursula, I love what you bring to the world. Much love and abundance to you!
THANK YOU. It was WONDERFUL and it's a testament to who you are and the spaces you create. It was my HONOR to be present. It was a stellar group of brilliant Souls.
Ursula is such a generous spirit and so deeply fierce.
I absolutely LOVE the Ursula coaching in your emails. I can hear your easy voice giving the instructions, seems so encouraging and patient. You're very good for us! I'm so glad you are here.
Wendy Slatery, Aspect imaging

Thinking of you and just wanted to let you know your work matters and does have an impact! My messaging has changed since we had our last call but the way you helped me through it was impactful and I appreciate you for your guidance.
Praise for Masterclasses and Forums
I just LOVED today's session Ursula. You did a commanding job of being gently fierce, leading, learning and sharing. I'm so glad I signed up.
Thank you all of you. ALL of what you have been saying is resonating and I’m realizing that it reflects self-compassion! This is swirling with self-compassion for me. Thank you for your generosity and wisdom. Yeah Ursula!! It truly was a great session.
Pamela Van Nest re: fierce women forum

What an awesome conversation you convened, Ursula! Extraordinary!
Thanks to all of you. This has been exactly what I needed to hear and feel.
Cyd Dawson-Smith re: Fierce Women Forum
Ursula, the conversation was amazing! I'm going to go back and listen through the recording, because there were so many gems that I wanted to pull out. Thank you so much for bringing these women together and creating this space!
Lisa Wilson re: Fierce Women Forum

I thought you were sublime. Insightful, generous, caring, absolute treasure. Thank you for expanding my world for the better.
And the honour was all mine.
Tanya Geisler
re: Fierce Women Forum

Hi Ursula! Congratulations on your wonderful forum yesterday and the response you've received. I really enjoyed it and left with a lot to reflect on and practice in my own relationships. I also thought you were a terrific moderator and host. Really well done. Thank you.
Amie Ritchie re: Fierce Women Forum
Ursula, I've watched the first session of your Fierce Women Forum, it was a great conversation, really enjoyed it, lots of insights, nuances around being fierce! You are a wonderful host, it totally feeds into your gifts.
Nicky West
re: Fierce Women Forum
Do we have to go? I could be on this conversation all day!!! This has been so insightful and meaningful, I only wish I could be sitting around a table having a coffee with you all. Love your fierce, passionate responses. THANK YOU for showing up today. xo
Stephanie Rourke Jackson
re: Fierce Women Forum
I loved the panel conversation and hearing fresh, new advice from these exceptional women about being fierce (which in itself is a perfect, new term to lead with and focus on as a way of being and leading...).
Congratulations on an extremely successful and valuable event!
Suzanne King
re: Fierce Women Forum
These have been so mentally stimulating. We need that more than ever. Thank you so much!! Love all the various conversations of how we define and own certain traits such as empathy.
I could have learned, listened and explored with these women all day! Loved it.
Belinda Clemmensen
re: Fierce Women Forum

It was one of those experiences that makes you look at things differently. Perfect two hours!
It was exceptional, Ursula. Kudos to all 4 of you for such an inspirational and thought-provoking session. Looking forward to the next two!
Ursula, thank you for an informative and excellent workshop this morning!
It was great!
Just finished reading your article and I need to say it touches upon so many levels that it plays in its own league when it comes to asking, "what is someone's or a company's why?"
Oliver Momeni re: Ursula's Article,
"Why Your Business Impact is More Important than Ever"
Thank you so much for your wonderful class. I really appreciated your time and expertise and gained so much from your perspective.
Amy Attenborough re:
How to Lead with Impact right now masterfclass
praise for the work alchemy: impact interviews podcast
More Reviews at Apple Podcasts

Ursula is one of the best interviewers I've ever experienced. She prepares her interviews with great care, asks beautiful and very deep questions and offers her own insights and ideas. Highly recommend it!
Sarah Santacroce
The Gentle Marketing Revolution
You were a really good discussion partner!
Kevin Sharer
Former CEO & Chair, Amgen
200th Podcast Episode Celebration, June 2020
Congrats on the milestone with your podcast! Woot! I am honored to support you. YOU have been a support to me since I landed in AVL. I appreciate you so much.
Deb Williams
Sculptural Glass Artist
I'm HONOURED to be part of your celebration, Ursula...this is such a richly deserved one. 200 episodes of excellent and thought-provoking conversations. Amazing.
Tanya Geisler
Your work in the world is inspirational. Congratulations on this milestone!
Lisa Wilson
Great episode! I highly recommend listening to it even if someone is not an entrepreneur or business owner. Much food for thought for consumers. Congratulations on your 200th!
Nancy Kehr